I learned real quick in motherhood that I must have a snack in me at all times to avoid a hangry child 😅 Target has a great selection of snacks and I love their house brand food and gather 🥳
Of course these are processed, but that’s where balance comes into play! It can never be all or nothing when it comes to food
The big things I look at when picking out snacks for the kiddos are the amount of added sugar, quantity of ingredients and artificial flavors.
I’ll never preach perfection – especially when it comes to nutrition – we are all different, and this is what works for our family! Shame really doesn’t do anyone any good!
Check out my go to healthy snacks for kids HERE
Hope this helps and would love to know some of your fave kiddo snacks on the go!

Hi I’m Teresa!
I’m a mom to three, a wife and a physician assistant. I also have a degree in Nutritional Sciences and I love sharing all things life with you! I am passionate about empowering you through education, sharing all my fave products and items that have made life better and creating content to give you value!