About Me

I’ve always loved helping others

That is what initially drew me to choose a career in medicine. I love to be challenged. I love to learn new things. I love the feeling of achievement, and pushing myself to new limits.

I imagined myself working in medicine until I retired. That was the career I chose, and I liked the predictability of medicine, I always knew I would have a job. And after all, I had spent years studying and hundreds of thousands of dollars on my education. But what I realized, I was chasing someone else’s dream and not my own. 

I struggled with the balance of giving my patients what they needed and deserved, and also giving my family what they needed and deserved. I knew there had to be a better way, but it took me years to figure out exactly what that looked like. 

I graduated from Oklahoma State University with a bachelor’s degree in Nutritional Sciences. While I loved the science of food, I never planned for that to be a part of my career. I had an interest in medicine, and my adviser suggested I look into becoming a PA. After that, I was laser focused on that goal. Get into school, be the best, pass my boards, and then have the fancy, well respected career. In December 2014 I graduated from the University of Oklahoma – Tulsa Physician assistant program. Cody and I got married 2 weeks after I took boards, and then our next chapter began.

Medicine was my life for those first couple of years. It felt like I had nothing but time to dedicate to my career.  I loved the busy schedule. I loved volunteering for whatever needed to be done. I loved decorating our office- so over the top- for holidays, and planning the office parties. Doing the extra was my thing!

And then it happened – I had a positive pregnancy test! Cody and I were so excited to become parents. My plan was going exactly how I had imagined. Until labor and delivery. I was induced at 41 weeks pregnant with zero signs of labor. And labor went anything but according to my plan. I labored for 36 hours, and ended up with a c-section (the last thing I wanted) and a perfect 10 lb baby boy, Warren. My long labor caused a multitude of issues. I ended up with a severe infection and hospitalization for another week. I also suffered something called bilateral femoral nerve palsy from being in the lithotomy position for so long. This meant – I couldn’t walk unassisted. I had to use a walker and do intense physical therapy for 6 weeks. I couldn’t drive, and I couldn’t carry or be alone with Warren. 

I went back to work when he was 10 weeks old, and I knew deep down I was a different person. I found myself longing so desperately to be with him more. I started to dread the rush of the morning, and the chaos of the evening. The idea of what I thought working mom life would look like, and the reality were vastly different.

Exercise was my way of dealing with anxiety and stress – it had been for years, and as a new mom I needed anything that would help me feel like myself again. But, I had a problem. I had always gone to the gym – it was my sacred space – I loved the community and group fitness classes. But, after being away from Warren all day for work, I didn’t want to give up another hour to the gym. 

So, I decided to start exercising at home. It changed everything for me. It brought me out of my postpartum fog. It helped me feel so much better mentally and physically. And I knew there were other high achieving working moms out there, who needed this solution too.

And that is I entered the world of entrepreneurship – even though I really didn’t realize it at the time!! I started sharing my workouts with others, and that grew into sharing my recipes. I offered content that I knew would help simplify life for other moms with demanding careers.

Ok, it wasn’t quite that simple. It did take hard work, and time. It took learning new skills, and finding my own motivation to keep pursuing the life I knew I wanted. Oh, and we welcomed another perfect baby in November of 2019.  After 4.5 years of building my online business, I decided to step away from medicine and give this my all. I was pregnant with our 3rd baby and he was due in July 2022. 

And then the unimaginable happened. My last day was scheduled for February 9, 2022. Cody and I had a special celebration planned- this was truly years in the making. He was out of town that weekend before on his annual ski trip with friends when I received a phone call that changed our lives forever. 

Cody had been involved in a collision with another skier, and was unresponsive. He was life flighted to the nearest level 1 trauma hospital. I was 16 weeks pregnant, and a state away from him. It was truthfully, the worst moment of my life. I got on the first plane out of Tulsa, without my babies, and I did not know what our future would be. 

Cody suffered a severe traumatic brain injury (TBI). And his prognosis was not in his favor. His suffered a diffuse axonal injury and 3 intracranial bleeds. We spent 2 months in Denver in various hospitals where he received intensive TBI therapy. He relearned how to do the most simple tasks. It changed who we both are forever. By the grace of God, he has had a miraculous recovery

We welcomed our 3rd baby 5 months after his accident- Conrad Louis. He was another big baby at 9 lbs, 6oz, and he is my little guardian angel baby. He has been our light through a very challenging season. 

Becoming an entrepreneur has created a life that I only dreamed of a few years ago. This was not my plan – let me say it again, I NEVER thought I would be sitting here writing this! It’s amazing how the experiences you go through in life lead to opportunities you never saw coming! I love helping you – from realistic recipes, creating a healthy home for family and sharing all of the items that we love – I am an open book!

I am so glad you are here!