Kids Summer Morning Routine

Kids Summer Morning Routine

I am SO beyond grateful to be working from home with the kids this summer! But that also means getting creative on how I get work done! Kids thrive with routines- there is so much great research behind the benefits. Of course it is summer, and we are loving the slower...
Sam’s Club Haul for Our Family of 5

Sam’s Club Haul for Our Family of 5

Today, we’re diving into my latest haul!! Whether you’re seeking seasonal delights, fresh produce, snacks, or essential pantry restocks, Sam’s Club has you covered. Let’s unpack this haul together: Fresh Produce Ah, the produce section at Sam’s Club—a paradise of...
Costco Haul for our Family of 5

Costco Haul for our Family of 5

Today, we’re diving into my latest haul!! Whether you’re seeking seasonal delights, fresh produce, snacks, or essential pantry restocks, Costco has you covered. Let’s unpack this haul together: Seasonal Sensations As the seasons change, Costco brings...
March is Brain Injury Awareness Month

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month

This week we celebrated two years of returning home since Cody’s traumatic brain injury. March is also brain injury awareness month. When I got the phone call that Cody was in an accident, I packed one small carry on, and bought a one way flight to Denver. I had no...
Easter Menu

Easter Menu

Easter is here! I love this holiday for so many reasons – it represents new life, there is so much color popping up, and there is just this feeling of joy all around! Easter day has always been spent enjoying a wonderful meal together, taking the day slow, and...